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Khobar City recent comments:

  • Al-Tarbiya Private School, Al-Trbyia student 07 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    درست عمري كله فالتربيه وما صدقت على الله اتخرج الله لا يردني لذاك المكان ول يا اني كرهتك يا تربيه دفعة 2007
  • منتزه الأمازون, nasser (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    لي عندك ذكـــرى ماأنساها
  • Out Patient Clinic, Saad., Aamir Saad M. Hossain (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Thanks to: Aamir Saad Mosharraf Hossain Birth:11,Jumada-al-Thsaani 1409AH.[1989AD.] By Blessings of Allah I dream to reside in the Makkah Mukarrama Kaba Musharrafa in any Honest way if Allah wills. Please pray for all of our ultimate success and that my Honest Dreams are turned into Reality Forever... ***May Allah Bless & Reward All of Us & the Contributors "The Best"...
  • Saudi catearing ( SAAD ), Aamir Saad M. Hossain (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Thanks to: Aamir Saad Mosharraf Hossain Birth:11,Jumada-al-Thsaani 1409AH.[1989AD.] By Blessings of Allah I dream to reside in the Makkah Mukarrama Kaba Musharrafa in any Honest way if Allah wills. Please pray for all of our ultimate success and that my Honest Dreams are turned into Reality Forever... ***May Allah Bless & Reward All of Us & the Contributors "The Best"...
  • Al-Zamil Bldg., daine (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    not sure, but it was renovated and opened again in 1994
  • مطعم جوافة, معـطـيـهـم العـيـن الحمرى (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    يبوي اي تكيه واي خربيط كلكم هطوف متجمعه الله يرجكم معا وجيهكم مع وجه الدباسه كنه طيز
  • French Bank Compound, shree6y (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    its called alrasheds gardens nowadays
  • Dowell Schlumberger Well Services Base, pipo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    mazelle dzidou tchoufou mazell el sah elgoudame,ina allaha youmhil oualayouhmil hadi douate el mahgourin ouli hawaztouhoum bilbatal, ellah ykalass fikoume ouahad ouahad, ya wiw rakoum toualla fil charikates fill nhassi on plus you are the last conpany in the word .you will pay soon or late. dieu exist elhamdou lillah
  • Dowell Schlumberger Well Services Base, pipo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    yaw fako bicom ya saraka rakom twala ficarikate ,hadi dwate el maghbounin ,dawate lihgartouhome, walli hawaztouhome. ellah bakaskome ,mazal elsah ghoudame, ina allah youmhil wala youhmill ya si rachid
  • مطعم جوافة, القديم (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    زمان الله يسقي عام 1427 احلى تكيه ورا الجوافه المطران الدببه التوم وعبدالله البارقي وسعيد عبيان وعلي عبيان شهران وفهد المزعل وعبدالرحمن البالغ ومذكر وعبدالله الشهري الضرس وخالد رجب الزهراني وزامل الشهراني وعبدالعزيز الكلبياني ومشاري الموينع وعلي الشمري واخوه ابراهيم وسلطان بزاري ومصفر القرني وممدوح القحطاني واخوه الكتف والدباسات الاثنين وسالم الشهراني راعي الونيت واحلى زحف واحلى هوشات اولى على الايام الي راحت ما الحين الله لايسفهنا ماعاد به حد تـــــــــــحـــــــــــيــــــــــــــاتـــــــــــــــي
  • منزل ابناء عبود بارقبة, خالد (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    منزل ابني عبود بارقبة
  • Azizyah Private School, n3n3 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    5ooooooz banadoool w ma 3leeeeeeeeek
  • mobily network week, i live their (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    the network is very strong for mobily compared to STC.
  • Coral International Hotel, من الكويت (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    خوش فندق سكنته شهر 8 2008 انصحكم فيه وبقوه
  • RADICON-GULF CONSULT (RGC), ff (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Arabia Internet Cafe. AAE, hfhj (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Nada Compound, Mhari Ann Burns (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Nada Compound is where I live. My house is villa 10
  • Al-Ehry Mafroosha - Singles sections, coco (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    فيها صعيدي ع الاستقبال مسوي عوارض اخلاقه خورااائيه = زفت وفيه الهندي اللحسه ابو جرح برجله شكله اعتزل له فتره مختفي
  • Gulf Centre, zeid (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    it is the first mall in al khobar and they done Rehabilitation for it in 2007. it's Deserve visiting.
  • منزل عبد المنعم العنيزي رحمة الله, عبدالله بن محمد الجامع (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    الله يرحمه ويغفر له